Totally Hyped - The Small Business Marketing Podcast
Marketing small businesses can be a tough row to hoe. Everyone's an expert until you really analyze results. More traffic, better rankings, social media presence - they mean nothing if those efforts don't improve your business.The reality is most marketers servicing small and mid-sized businesses know some tactics, but they don't know marketing. For SMBs, marketing can be a steep and expensive learning curve.This podcast weeds through the garbage and simplifies marketing for SMBs.
Totally Hyped - The Small Business Marketing Podcast
Question for Business Leaders: Why Should You Integrate Your Marketing and Sales Departments? Answer: Because You'll Make More Money. Learn How.
One of the most transformative exercises I have helped clients with over the last few decades is getting Marketing and Sales teams to work together. Just the common messaging alone is a huge boost to your outcomes, but it goes deeper than that, and at the end of the day, it is a very direct line to making more money.
I get a little passionate in this episode because many companies resist integrating sales and marketing despite its proven track record. My apologies for the cursing.